Single Minded: Lady Gaga Mashed With David Bowie, Full Rihanna Set

November 20th, 2009 by J. Edward Keyes Leave a reply »

Photo: Shearer/WireImage

Lady Gaga vs. David Bowie, “Let’s Just Dance” [Mashup]
DJ Terry Urban treats mashups like Cage treats composition, dropping just a micro-fragment of Bowie’s “Let’s Dance” behind Lady Gaga’s “Just Dance” — to startling effect. This also marks the first occasion for either artist where subtlety has served as an asset.

Kids in the Hall vs. Grizzly Bear, “Leisure Man” [New Track/Mashup]
Well, Grizzly Bear’s entré into hip-hop is officially complete; first Jay-Z shows up at a Brooklyn show, now Kidz in the Hall are rapping over “Two Weeks.” Be honest: did anyone see this coming? And if you did, is there any way we can solicit your insight on, say, the next 15 World Series?

Raekwon, “About Me” & “Cataline” [Live]
This is the thanks Rae gets, for putting out a record anticipated for a decade that actually lives up to the hype? He gets more-or-less ignored, relegated to live performances on an extreme sports network?

Rihanna, Full London Concert [Live Video]
The future is here, folks. You don’t even have to leave your desk now to enjoy a full Rihanna concert. And who do we have to thank for this wonderful Friday gift? You guessed it: the Russians, who appear to be hosting this video on a Russian version of YouTube called — wait for it! — RuTube.

Passion Pit, “Little Secrets” [Jack Beats Remix]
Jack Beats takes a scalpel to Passion Pit’s trump card, turning it into the kind of ADD-dance number that inspires full-body dance-floor freak-outs.


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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